Flarex Innovation Group

Shape Tipbet

Flarex designed the website and social media visuals for Tipbet, enhancing its online presence in the competitive iGaming space.

Title: Tipbet
Description: We delivered a visually cohesive brand experience across digital platforms, boosting Tipbet’s engagement through a modern, user-friendly website and eye-catching social media visuals.
Industry: iGaming
Release Date: 2022

Research into competitors and target users shaped the website’s structure and social media approach for maximum engagement.

Our research into competitors and target audiences allowed us to optimize both the site’s design and the social media strategy, ensuring high engagement.

We created a sleek, modern website design that ensured easy navigation and a seamless user experience.

The design team focused on a clean, modern look with intuitive navigation, ensuring users could easily access all important content and features on the site.

Development focused on optimizing the website’s speed and user flows, ensuring a fast and intuitive platform for iGaming users.

The website was built with performance optimization in mind, reducing load times and ensuring smooth user journeys from page to page.
